Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Washington DC

I am feeling sad, and stressed, and unprepared. Tonight I leave for DC as a chaperone for the 8th graders at RVMS. We leave at 11p and drive all night, arriving at breakfast at 5:30. We spend a day at Gettysburg. Seth would love that stop because he is my history buff, especially when it comes to war. Anyway, we don't get to rest until 10p, when we arrive at our hotel. We come home early on Saturday morning.

While I am glad to do it, to help out my school and the kids, I will miss my own kidlings. I wonder if it is true for kids and parents too, what they say about absence making the heart grow fonder. I, somehow, don't think so, because Jonah spends the days at Jana's and sometimes calls me Jana during the evening.

I am not packed. I'm not sure if all the laundry is done because we have to wear dress clothes. I haven't even bought the ever important snacks. And I have a softball game and gymnastics to take care of tonight!

I have asked Seth if I could borrow his Ipod and had him load some songs just for me! Thanks Seth J! I also have written my 3 days of lesson plans for Mr. Rich, my substitute.

I know that when the bus pulls out tonight at 11p, I will be ready (one way or another) and I will enjoy this trip. I will just be doing a lot of praying and rushing around in the meantime!

1 comment:

katy said...

I'm going to call you tomorrow. I wish you could swing 30 minutes up the road and come see me in Baltimore!