Saturday, May 12, 2007

Staff Talent?

Each year, we have an end of the year talent show,at RVMS. Included in that show is usually a staff routine, that is open to all staff members. Last year, with my love for High School Musical, I had the brainstorm to do a routine to "Getcha Head in the Game." We were pretty bad and the students loved it!

This year, due to my fantastic success in the past, staff members started looking to me to come up with the new idea. "No pressure, but we need it soon!" While working out at Curves last week, it hit me. We are doing a tribute to our retiring 8th grade teacher, Mary Beals, and our retiring principal, Ed Crawford. We will be doing 2 numbers (hah! try getting your staff to learn 2 routines) this year in honor of them. One will be for Ed, an avid Cleveland Indians fan. We will be moving our bodies to the put me in coach song, called "Centerfield." This will end with all of us holding Ed Heads masks over our faces! These ideas courtesy of our secretary, Jackie Mooney and masks from Tad Douce~ thanks guys!

After that ends ( and it can't end well) we will go into "That'll be the Day" by Buddy Holly. Both Mary and Ed will be seated on stools center stage for this number. Kim and Melissa created stunning choreography that will surely be a hit. Thanks girls!

At least I know that, even as we fumble around on stage in front of the entire student body, they will love it because it is US, their teachers, making fools of ourselves. I am sure it will be a blast! I will let you know how it goes!

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