Friday, May 4, 2007

School Days count down
There are 20 days left of this school year! Needless to say, I am ready, and so are my 7th graders!

Things I look forward to the most:
1. sleeping in, even just a little. I leave my house now at 7 a.m.
2. getting up and sitting on the couch, cuddling with Mallory and Jonah. Seth is not into cuddling these days. In fact the only way I get a hug is if I have my bra on first!
3. Staying late at care group without worry about being tired the next day....but not too late Kelli!
4. the pool!
5. Going to the Jerzee at dusk
6. food off the grill....speaking of food, I can't wait for watermelon and corn on the cob!
7. vacation
8. Seth and Mallory's baseball games

1 comment:

katy said...


I miss the Jerzee!

We have Rita's out here which I LOVE! It's Italian ice, gelatis and custard -- yum. Come to Baltimore so I can take you!