Friday, August 31, 2007

I love kids this age......

I teach 7th graders and I love them! They are quirky and still a little unsure of themselves, but flourish when encouraged.

Today is write a joke day and they are loving it! Most of the jokes they are writing are appropriate for school too. What a bonus! Some of them get to laughing so hard and then have to come and share their joke with me. I love the laughter and the smiles I am seeing today.
Here are some examples:
What is the difference between an elephant and an Michigan cheerleader? About 5 pounds
The toilet in a precinct was stolen. Police have nothing to go on.
People who live in glass houses should change in the basement.

Seth, my 7th grader, who is actually in one of my classes this year, gave me his opinion of me as a teacher the other day. He said I am much happier at school and he likes it. I have thought a lot about that and have concluded that I must seem happier because, at home, I am often giving direction...saying "do this do that." I am glad Seth is seeing this side of me. I also like seeing a different side of Seth too.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Things that make my day

The way Jonah looks when he comes to greet me straight out of bed.

Listening to Mallory play a solo on the piano.

Watching Seth shoot baskets outside.

My patio that is almost finished!

The note Randy wrote to me on our bathroom mirror....:)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Jonah says....

Jonah is 3 and says some cute things. Here are some of them:

alligator= elevator
my nastics= gymnastics
binkie and blankie= pacifier and blanket
music= his stuffed bear that prays and plays a song
cho-lock-et= chocolate
I love you big much!
I need a nappers!
red=any juice that we give him to drink
I'm making a friend= what he says when he wants to cuddle
Dredboom= bedroom
Mowly= Mallory

More later.....

School Days School Days Good Old Golden Rule Days

Much to my dismay, we are back in school! Don't get me wrong. It is not that I don't love school and fall and all that goes with it. It's the schedule! I get very overwhelmed by the school year schedule. With three kids, all involved in activities, with homework and piano to practice.....not to mention things like eating, bathing, etc. I end up working harder after school than I do during the day!
This fall, Seth is playing soccer and has a practice and a game each week. He also has piano once a week with a (forced) nightly practice. There is his once a week basketball tutoring. He has a middle school group bible study once a week too.
Mallory has soccer, with Randy as her coach. Same once a week practice and game, but of course, on a different night then Seth. She also has piano and a (violently forced) practice. She has dance once a week and Reach, a church program too.
Jonah has gymnastics once a week, which he loves! He wakes up in the morning asking if it is time for my nastics yet. I think that is it for him!
I love that my kids are getting to try lots of different things and have good experiences, but I am worn out!
Can I get an amen?