Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Walking Tacos

I have discovered a new favorite at the ballpark concession stand. As the title says, it is a walking tacos. Yummy! You take a Frito bag of chips, add spiced meat,cheese, lettuce, tomato, sour cream and salsa if you like. Then you eat it right out of the bag with a fork. Hence the name walking taco. Try it! It's fun!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My little peanut

Jonah is so small! At almost 3 1/2 years old, he weighs somewhere between 25 and 27 pounds. It varies by scale. I wanted to write about this because I believe that someday he will be gianormous and we may forget his humble beginnings.

Getting Jonah to eat is still a full time job, but since there has been some weight gain, the GI doc says we do not have to go back to the tube feeds (yet)! Hurray! I excitedly asked if that meant that we could remove the tube. She said not until August, if all is well. Poor lil bugger. That tube is a pain because it sticks right out there. We usually put onesies on him to keep it protected, but he is almost too tall for any onesies and it gets too hot under his t-shirts. The GI nurse suggested we put velcro on his t-shirts. Is it too much to ask that my kid be able to wear normal clothes like everyone else? Last Sunday in church Tony had to tie his pants on him with a lanyard.

Aw well, the end may be in sight if God says so. And we'll move on to bigger and different worries with a bigger (hopefully) Jonah.

Teacher appreciation at its best

I got roses from a student on Friday. It was one of the sweetest things that has ever happened to me on a typical school day. Thank you Tess! If I can figure out how to put pictures on here, I will post the one I had taken of Tess and me with my bouquet of flowers.
Tess and I have grown close throughout the year and she is very special to me. I am excited to watch as she goes on to 8th grade and then high school. She is a smart girl who is all about getting her head on straight and making good choices. In case you can't tell, I am very proud of her.
Thanks for the flowers Tess!

Surprise! A warm pool day in May!

Wow! I love Memorial weekend! It is probably mostly because I know school is almost out for summer. And I love BBQs and flip flops.
This Memorial Day was so warm that my kids were asking to go to the pool already. I was surprised because I know in past years, it is still pretty chilly at this time. We buy pool memberships at Brookside, so I agreed, figuring that if their lips turned blue we could go on home and we wouldn't be out any money. We went at 3 in the afternoon and there was a nice crowd there. The biggest surprise is that the water wasn't that cold. No blue lips and shivering bodies covered with goosebumps! It turned out to be almost hot!
If you want to try Brookside, let me know. On Tuesdays and Thursdays guests are 1/2 price with a member. While it is nowhere near as nice as Kenton pool, it is a lot closer for most. And with gas prices that means a lot.
See ya at the pool!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

An America's Funniest Videos moment

At "my nastics" Tuesday night, Jonah was happily doing the circuit in his mini stars class. Seth and I were watching from the balcony. It was cute how proud Seth looked as he watched his baby brother on the equipment. At least he looked proud until IT happened. Jonah was jumping on the trampoline, when I saw his shorts begin to slide down. I looked away, knowing what was coming, but Seth didn't.You see even at 3 years old, Jonah fits easily into 18 month pants. It's tough to keep things up on him. Next thing I hear is lots of giggling and Seth saying "Oh no!" Jonah had jumped right out of his shorts and tossed them aside. Because we were in the balcony, I couldn't get to him right away, so I leaned over the railing and called to Tony, his instructor. Tony wasn't much help, as he began laughing along with just about everyone in the balcony. When Jonah saw Tony coming for him, laughing, he decided to make a run for it. So Tony chased Jonah around the circuit, still laughing. He finally caught him, scooped him up and put those shorts back on. Seth and I were trying to hide in the balcony, but Tony yelled up, "Did anybody get that on video? We could win some money!" Tee hee!

Wilbur comes to life

My kids have had the same great babysitter since Seth was 6 months old. Jana lives on a farm and is a saint in my eyes. She is very patient with the kids and helps them learn as they grow. It is evident that she really loves her kids and is proud of their accomplishments.

Right now, running loose on her farm, is a herd? troop? bevy? of piglets. They swarm enmasse and are so cute! Mallory wonders if one of them could be a runt like Wilur from Charlotte's Web. The first time I saw them come running, I went to get Jana. You see there have been other incidences over the years, when animals have gotten loose. I thought this was another of those times, but Jana said no. These are "free roaming"piglets. 33 free roaming piglets to be exact. And when I saw them they were swarming around Jonah. It was very cute and funny! Jonah wasn't laughing, but I sure was. After I rescued him, the piglets found a new playmate. They found a Big Wheel toy and began pushing it around. For awhile it looked like they might manage to get the toy into the barn. It was so cute that I wish I had had my video camera.

Why is it that baby anythings look so cute?

Monday, May 21, 2007

I Survived DC 07

Yes, I did it!I laughed, I cried, And it was a blast! I learned a lot and enjoyed the behind the scenes stories the tour guides gave. My favorite stop was Arlington National Cemetery. We participated in a wreath laying ceremony and saw the changing of the guard. I should capitalize that because it was very serious, full of honor and dignity. We also saw the new memorial called "Wall of Fallen Heros" which is small painted portraits of the soldiers being killed in Irag. That was a tear jerker. There were numerous post cards and mementos left at all the portraits, some form their moms and dads, and some from their children. Some of our students have relatives serving in Iraq right now. This was a hard memorial for them to see also.

I could go on and on about what we saw, but I want to remember the fun we also had. My bus had excellent chaperones. I enjoyed a great practical joke on Lisa Layton. I accused her of setting the fire alarm that we had at 4 a.m. at our hotel, with the candles she ahd brought to freshen her room. And yes, we had to evacuate the entire hotel! Mike Slob got in on the joke and at our dinner theater, had Lisa's waiter go and remove the candles from her table saying he had heard she is a fire hazard. She repaid him by having a waitress sit on his lap and sing happy birthday to him. LOL! It was his birthday btw.

Maybe I will write more about this trip later, but right now my 7th graders need some attention! Right Nick?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Washington DC

I am feeling sad, and stressed, and unprepared. Tonight I leave for DC as a chaperone for the 8th graders at RVMS. We leave at 11p and drive all night, arriving at breakfast at 5:30. We spend a day at Gettysburg. Seth would love that stop because he is my history buff, especially when it comes to war. Anyway, we don't get to rest until 10p, when we arrive at our hotel. We come home early on Saturday morning.

While I am glad to do it, to help out my school and the kids, I will miss my own kidlings. I wonder if it is true for kids and parents too, what they say about absence making the heart grow fonder. I, somehow, don't think so, because Jonah spends the days at Jana's and sometimes calls me Jana during the evening.

I am not packed. I'm not sure if all the laundry is done because we have to wear dress clothes. I haven't even bought the ever important snacks. And I have a softball game and gymnastics to take care of tonight!

I have asked Seth if I could borrow his Ipod and had him load some songs just for me! Thanks Seth J! I also have written my 3 days of lesson plans for Mr. Rich, my substitute.

I know that when the bus pulls out tonight at 11p, I will be ready (one way or another) and I will enjoy this trip. I will just be doing a lot of praying and rushing around in the meantime!

Just being strange!

I got this off a website ~ and though it may seem like it, I don't have too much time on my hands!
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Michelle!

Four-fifths of the surface of michelle is covered in water.

According to the story, Pinocchio was made of michelle.

The air around michelle is superheated to about five times the temperature of the sun.

More than one million stray dogs and half a million stray cats live in michelle.

Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are michelle!

US gold coins used to say 'In michelle we trust'.

Michelle is the smallest of Jupiter's many moons!

There is actually no danger in swimming right after you eat michelle, though it may feel uncomfortable!

Michelle can run sixty-five kilometres an hour - that's really fast!

It is impossible to fold michelle more than seven times!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day rocks!

Mother's Day at my house rocks! My kids and husband go overboard and I love it! I can count on breakfast in bed. Randy makes my favorite, eggs in a basket with a cup of tea or hot chocolate (or cho-lock-et, as Jonah says). Then come the mamas day gifts! I love gifts!

This year was very touching. Mallory made a "scrapbook" for me. She included some of her favorite pics and added cute and touching captions in her own 2nd grade handwriting. I will treasure this book forever!

Seth learned to crosstitch in his Work and Family Life (home ec) class. That alone is amazing to me. Crosstitching takes a lot of patience and concentration. Not only did he learn to do it, but he does it well. He made me a refrigerator magnet that says I heart mom! He's got skills!

Jonah made me a cute card at church. He got into the awing of the day with lots of hugs and kisses. Who can resist?

Randy had already gotten a Cricut machine for me, and gave it to me early, so I could use it at my scrapbooking workshop Friday night. It is a cool machine that cuts out words and other things for my scrapbook pages. Since I had already gotten a major gift, I was surprised when he also gave me an Adidas sweatsuit. I love it! He got it from work with his discount and he has always loved Adidas, since his soccer coaching days. But I was most touched because bought a blue sweatsuit. He has always said blue clothes make my eyes stand out and he loves my eyes. Thanks sweetie! You guys made mother's day rock!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Staff Talent?

Each year, we have an end of the year talent show,at RVMS. Included in that show is usually a staff routine, that is open to all staff members. Last year, with my love for High School Musical, I had the brainstorm to do a routine to "Getcha Head in the Game." We were pretty bad and the students loved it!

This year, due to my fantastic success in the past, staff members started looking to me to come up with the new idea. "No pressure, but we need it soon!" While working out at Curves last week, it hit me. We are doing a tribute to our retiring 8th grade teacher, Mary Beals, and our retiring principal, Ed Crawford. We will be doing 2 numbers (hah! try getting your staff to learn 2 routines) this year in honor of them. One will be for Ed, an avid Cleveland Indians fan. We will be moving our bodies to the put me in coach song, called "Centerfield." This will end with all of us holding Ed Heads masks over our faces! These ideas courtesy of our secretary, Jackie Mooney and masks from Tad Douce~ thanks guys!

After that ends ( and it can't end well) we will go into "That'll be the Day" by Buddy Holly. Both Mary and Ed will be seated on stools center stage for this number. Kim and Melissa created stunning choreography that will surely be a hit. Thanks girls!

At least I know that, even as we fumble around on stage in front of the entire student body, they will love it because it is US, their teachers, making fools of ourselves. I am sure it will be a blast! I will let you know how it goes!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Coach pitch

I am discovering something new about me....something that is surprising me quite a bit, considering I am not athletic. That is that I am definitely a yeller at my kids' games. I am so sorry kids. I have been told it can be rather embarrassing, but it seems beyond my control. I jump, pump my fists, and shreek until my throat hurts. And I have discovered that when I am not in the process of doing those lovely motions, I am rockin back and forth and muttering under my breath. Again, kids, I apologize. It seems that the only way I can keep from making these maniacal gestures is to engross myself in conversation with another parent, thereby missing my kids' plays altoghether.

Right now we are in the midst of baseball/softball season. Mallory had her first game last night. The beast in me arose again, to my great surprise. You see last week, at her scrimmage, I got to talking to Mary Longo, and Mallory was angry that I missed her great turn at bat. Because I had not gotten caught up on that game, I had forgotten that the beast exists.

That, along with my late arrival at the game last night, is why I was surprised IT happened again. Jonah and I arrived late because he had gymnastics, or my nastics, as he says it. Randy, Mallory's dad and coach, had already warned me that they were going to get creamed because Ridgedale is usually good and we have a young team. So, upon arriving, I walked up and casually inquired about the score, feeling nothing, other than appreciation for the warm spring sunshine. When I was told that we were at the top of the 3rd and only down by one, it began. Kinda like the incredible hulk's transformation, I felt the beast rising. My rocking and murmuring began. I chanted the name of each girl as she came up to bat, with a loud burst of Go RV mingled in. Then I found myself leaping from my seat, fists pumping, when a girl would have a decent hit. The sound I was making with my throat can only be called shreeking. At one point, sanity hit me and I somewhere inside my head, a voice asked, "what must I look like to all these calm mothers sitting around me?" But it didn't slow me down at all.

Let me get to the good news. After expecting great defeat, we had a come from behind cinderella story like win. It was the top of the last inning and the girls were getting lined up for the final turns at bat. I was at the bench, reminding them that they needed, MUST HAVE, 2 runs, to win (just in case they forgot)! And remember, I am the coach's wife. That should bring with it special privileges right? As I was pumping up the girls, Lauren, one of the players, turned to me and said, : I will be the one to make them lose." I liked her spunk and told her to go for it! Well she did! She scored the winning run!! As she made it to first base, where her mom was waiting as first base coach, she told her, " I am gonna score this run for Mallory's mom!" Needless to say, it was exciting! She scored, we won, and now we are undefeated! So what if we have only played one game!

Ok, so am I insane or are there others like me out there? Oh and one more time for good measure~I am sorry kids!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Charlottes Web is still going strong

Mallory and I have read every night, but one, since I posted about this. I am so proud of us! We are currently at the part where Wilbur, with the help of the barnyard animals, has just figured out he is being raised to be eaten. He and Charlotte have already met and are becoming friends. We ended on this cliffhanger statement from Charlotte, "I will not let you be killed."

Wow! This coming from a friend who barely knows Wilbur. And trust me, in my opinion, Wilbur has not been very loveable up to this point. He has been whiny and annoying. Yet, along comes a spider (tee hee) who immediately loves him and pledges to save his life.

This reminds me of Jesus. He is love and loves each of us immediately and unconditionally. No matter what we act like or what we are like on the inside, He still loves us and says, "I gave my life for you." While he can not guarantee that we will not be killed, He offers us a chance to live, if we will take it.

I am so grateful to have a friend, like Charlotte, who loves me even when I am whiny and annoying. His name is Jesus.

Monday, May 7, 2007

I love you this much.........

Ok, kids, this post is for you. Each one of my three kids has had their own unique way of telling me just how much they love me. And each one is so cute and sweet.

Seth~I love you to the moon and back (now when I remind him of this, he blushes and looks down).

Mallory~I love you as much as God loves the whole world (if only anyone could love that much and that perfectly~ but she sure tries).

Jonah~ I love you BIG much! (big words from a peanut).

Mommy loves you too!

Friday, May 4, 2007

25 pounder!

Jonah has an eating disorder. It was probably caused because, due to failure to thrive, he was put on a feeding tube over 1 year ago and, for awhile, wasn't allowed to eat by mouth. We spent a week, in February, in Childrens Hospital, in a feeding clinic with a psychologist, trying to train Jonah to eat. Since then, there have been ups and downs and some funny moments too. The funny moments are what I want to record for Jonah.

Checking the zeros~ this is what Jonah says when we ask him to get on the digital scale so we can, weekly, check his weight. It's because the 0 flashes repeatedly before the weight appears.

good chewing, great bite!~ this is what Randy and I say, ad nauseaum, to Jonah, as per the psychologist, while he is eating. Eating is like a job to Jonah, not fun at all! This I can't imagine! The doctor could make a mint by selling recordings of these feeding phrases to desperate parents like us.

25 pounder~ SO cute! This is what Jonah shouts any time he gets weighed. It doesn't matter to him what the real number is. All he knows is that, one time, he DID weigh 25 lbs. and we all cheered. So now it is always....25 pounder, hurray for Jonah! (unfortunately, he has been 25 pounds for 2 months or so). But God can do miracles and I believe He has big plans for my Jonah!

New shoes

Here I am, 38 years old, and I still feel like a kid when I am wearing new shoes. Does that happen to anyone else? I bought new tennis shoes this week. I had had the old pair for something like 4 years, and either my feet have grown (wow!) or the shoes had shrunk, because my toes would hurt if I wore them very long.

Randy has a new job as an associate manager for MC Sports, so I thought I would surprise him with a visit there. Turns out, I left with a surprise~a new pair of tennis shoes. They had a great deal on Adidas, which is my brand of choice, and they were whispering my name all throughout the tour he was giving me.

So here I sit, typing and admiring my new tennis shoes. They look so fresh, clean and full of promise. But we all know what happens to new white tennis shoes. Aww well! At least for today, they are perfect!
School Days count down
There are 20 days left of this school year! Needless to say, I am ready, and so are my 7th graders!

Things I look forward to the most:
1. sleeping in, even just a little. I leave my house now at 7 a.m.
2. getting up and sitting on the couch, cuddling with Mallory and Jonah. Seth is not into cuddling these days. In fact the only way I get a hug is if I have my bra on first!
3. Staying late at care group without worry about being tired the next day....but not too late Kelli!
4. the pool!
5. Going to the Jerzee at dusk
6. food off the grill....speaking of food, I can't wait for watermelon and corn on the cob!
7. vacation
8. Seth and Mallory's baseball games

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Karen Kingsbury was in MARION, OHIO!!

If you've never read a KK book, you are missing out. They can be emotional sometimes making them tough to get through, and sometimes I find them a little sappy, but for the most part, they are well worth the time! Karen and her family were at RVHS last night. That fact alone amazes me. I guess I can't believe any "famous"person would come to a place like Marion. I think it happened because Tom Hypes won a Christian bookstore contest. But for whatever reason, she was here and she was a great speaker.

I went with my super special group of friends, all of whom cried at some point throughout her talk (OK, Kelli cried through it all, but she is pregnant and has an excuse). I never teared up so I guess that means I am dead inside, huh? :) No tears does not mean I did not enjoy what she had to say. her lessons on love were strong enough for me to remember and tell Randy later that night.

The lessons were: Love is not pushy. Love is not about performance. and there was another I can't remember. It all boils down to love being unconditional. Same old same old, but she put it in a bright new light. So now for a day or two I will be more patient with my loved ones. I will hug Seth even if he doesn't get an A on this week's spelling test. I only wish it would last effortlessly. Ahhh....the blight of being human. Only God is perfect and loves so well. i can only ask for His help and try each day.

Ok, so now I will spread Karen's, and more importantly, God's, message. Whenever you (or I) read this post, reach out to someone you love and make sure they know it!

Love ya!!!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Walt Disney does things right!

I need to put into words some of our great vacation experience this past spring break. We went on a Disney land/sea trip with the kids and my in-laws. We stayed at Port Orleans French Quarter, a Disney resort. It was very nice and the people there did anything they could to be helpful. We were there for 5 Disney filled days. Many of those days we all traveled together and on a couple we split up, depending on Jonah's lack of nap and Carol's need for a break.

My favorite park was MGM Studios. I love the whole atmosphere of the place. There are commedians on all the streets doing little shows. Mallory danced with one. We had a great lunch buffet at this park. It was a character lunch, which we did for Jonah. He LOVED having lunch with JoJo and Goliath from Jojo's Circus and June and Leo from his all time favorite~The Little Einsteins! At this place, the characters came around and visited every table. That means Jonah got lots of personal attention. He was a little shy when directly approached, but would run up and hug them as they were walking away. AWWWW! It was all so stinkin cute!

Also at this park was my all time favorite~ HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL PEP RALLY~ I think I looked forward to this more then my 8 year old. Sick I know, but there it is! I love the movie, the message from it, and Troy (I think he is very romantic).

Jonah's favorite ride from all the Disney parks....Drumroll please........the MOMORAIL train. And no, that was not a misspelling. He pronounced it that way and got excited anytime one went by.

There was the night at Magic Kingdom, which truly is magical btw, that Seth decided he would take Jonah on Dumbo. They stood in line for 45 minutes and when they got up there to ride, Jonah refused to get on.

Seth's favorite park was Typhoon Lagoon, one of Disney's water parks. It was so much fun! Every 90 seconds, at the wave pool, a gianormous wave was released that was garanteed (spelling demon strikes again) to knock you off your feet. Seth loved it! He also went snorkeling at this park. He and his dad got in line. I chickened out from the get go. I was on a bridge ready to videotape this big adventure, when I saw Randy encourage Seth to take off. I say saw, because they both had on snorkeling masks and could not talk to each other. At Randy's insistence, Seth stepped off the ledge and began to float, thinking his dad was right behind him. Little did he know that Randy had a mini panic attack and walked out the entrance, leaving Seth to snorkel alone. That makes me chuckle even now.

On the morning of the 6th day, we left for our Disney cruise on the Disney Wonder. I had never been on a cruise before and now I can't wait to go again! I loved it!!!!! On the charter bus ride to the ship, Mallory made friends with another 8 year old, named Abby, from New York New york. I want to be a part of it.....oh, sorry. These 2 girls became fast friends and spent time onboard and at Castaway Cay together. They both ended up getting their hair braided like the natives do. The pictures are so cute. if I knew how to put pics on here I would show you.

There were always activities for the kids to do. Seth spent most of his time at the basketball court at the front of the ship. I know there is a word for that, but it escapes me right now. The tvs in our rooms had a channel that showed the court so we could watch him at will. He stayed there pretty late one night, after midnight, then came back and ordered room service. He loved that all the food was FREE!

We saw two movies while at sea, Wild Hogs and Meet the Robinsons. Wild Hogs had Randy laughing out loud, which is quite a feat. It was 11p.m. when we went to see Meet the Robinsons, so I don't remember many details. Mal and I also a broadway style show called Disney Dreams that was fantastic!

The we spent on Castaway Cay was fun too! I talked to a lifeguard who informed that all the employees live there year round. He said, "Somebody has to stay and clean up after you people!" Can you imagine? What a life, working for Disney living on a private Bahamian Island. God has been good to that guy. I only hope he knows it!

Awwww I close my eyes and pretend I am still on the cruise right now! I can not wait to go again!
Thanks for sticking with me!

Last child syndrome

Why is it so hard for me to let Jonah, my 3rd and last (God wiliing) child grow up? He does 3 year old things for the most part, but gets away with some stuff that Seth and Mallory had to give up by this age.

Here are some examples:
1. He still sleeps with a binky. I know I know..........but he is a baby.

2. He is still in diapers. Size 4 to be exact. I hope to work on this intensely this summer.

3. Often I find myself feeding him. This is partly due to his eating issues and my impatience with him at mealtimes. But I know he needs to do this for himself. Just last night, as I was spooning in some more "puddy" with duocal for extra calories, and scrapping the excess off his sweet little face, I flashed back to baby food days!

4. He wants to be carried a lot still. I love this one! Of course he only weighs 25 lbs. It is a great feeling when he wraps his little arms around my neck.

5. He sometimes still makes noises to get what he wants instead of using his words. I hate this one! "Use your words" has become the phrase of choice at our house.

So that seems to be the list of immature (lol) behavior for my last baby. I'll keep you updated as they begin to fall away.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A May day at school

This is testing week. I hate the tests. They are passed down by the state as instruments of torture, so the students say. Nevertheless, we test! But this afternoon, testing is over. And it is 80 degrees outside, with sunshine. So in my class, we take a break. We go outside and the students sit and listen to me read. We are reading a book by James Patterson, called Maximum Ride. They are enjoying it and so am I! When I finish, I tell them they have 15 minutes free......outside. Mind you, these are 7th graders, 12-14 years old. I don't know what I expected, but love what I saw happening before my unbelieving eyes. Games of tag and Marco Polo broke out all around me. As the boys ran, they had to constantly pull up their saggy pants with one hand. I laughed out loud at that. The beautiful freedom came to a close with a student coming toward me with a dandelion saying "Matt had a baby and its head popped off!" If you didn't do that as a child you were missing out!

And so it begins

I have always thought of keeping a journal for my kids. That thought is based on the assumption that they will want to know most everything that was in my head while they lived with me. After being inspired by someone I met recently, here goes. My random thoughts~ day 1.........

Today I had a brainstorm. Mallory is 8 and the middle child and suffers from frequent fit throwing. My brainstorm....are u ready for this? She is craving one on one attention. I know, I knw, most of you are saying well duh! But for some reason, it hit me strongly today. Well last night really, when she asked for a book before bed and I did the same routine. I sighed loudly, snapped at her to hurry with her pjs, and mentioned how tired I was. Terrible. And God put a mirror in front of me last night and I SAW it happening, like an out of body experience. Then the brainstorm hit, fast and furious. We are going to start reading Charlottes Web together! She was so excited. See her school is going to see the movie on may 15th for Right to Read Week (hmmm a movie for right to read week???) and she would love to read it before then. She even reminded me this morning to get the book today. SO now we are both excited. We have a purpose and a timeline. We will get some good time together! Mallory, I'll keep you posted!