Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Swimming Pool

It's hard to believe that anyone could ever get tired of the swimming pool, but each summer, we go so much that my kids are ready for a break. When we can't go, we want to and when we can, we don't. Today we went and everyone was relatively happy. Jonah even ventured into the "big pool." He seemed really proud of himself and it was fun to watch trying something new.
We have a membership at Brookside Pool. I especially like it there because it is owned by a Christian family and they often play the Christian radio station over the speaker system. Jonah likes it because they have a dairy bar and he always asks for cho-lock-et ice cream in a bowl. Whenever he asks for anything edoble, it is a big deal!
Mallory went off the low dive many times today! Go Mal! Seth stayed, even after we left, to swim with friends. He is growing up!
Overall, I love the swimming pool!

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