Friday, June 1, 2007

Last Day of School

One of the many reasons I became a teacher is very superficial. I love the school year calendar. I love the fresh start at the beginnning of a year and I love the last day excitement. Well today is the last day and everyone is excited. We are having a field day of sorts, with wiffle ball, volleyball, kickball and team building. Also there are gifts! Chris Fattig just came in and brought me a plant and a High School Musical poster. HS Musical is one of my favorite movies!

Anyway, even though I am exhausted and stressed about getting all my work done, this excitement from the kids will carry me through.

1 comment:

katy said...

Man, am I out of the loop!

Here you've been blogging away and I've been missing it. Bummer.

Happy last day of school. I won't tell my kids -- they still have two weeks!

I know we only got to connect briefly, but I miss you, my friend!

I'm going to try that walking taco thing!