Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Our Little Austin

October 15 was the anniversary of the day I gave birth to Austin Royal Owings. He was stillborn, weighing in at around 1 1/2 pounds and 15 inches in length. I was 26 weeeks along with in the pregnancy and was so excited about him! Randy and I had experienced some secondary infertility and had tried for 23 months to get pregnant with Austin. So you can imagine our excitement when things were moving along. Sadly, Austin stopped moving over the weekend of the 12th and by the time I had a doctor due an ultrasound on Monday the 14th, he was gone. I delivered him the next day, surrounded by the love and support of my care group and church family. We let Mallory name him to help her cope. She had been so anxious to have the baby be born and I wanted to make sure she understood. We had a graveside service on Friday of that week. Steve Roper officiated and we gathered at my care group leaders' house, Gary and Joanie Warner, afterward.
On Austin's actual due date, January 18, my care group gathered again to put together a scrap book, including photos of Austin, song lyrics and poems, and cards from people. Every year on the anniversary this scrapbook comes out of hiding and the memories come flooding back. This scrapbook will always be a cherised item for me. It is full of love and support from many caring people.
I look forward to the day I get to meet Austin and hold him in my arms in Heaven! We miss you Austin!

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