Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Freedom Writers

My student teacher started taking over my classes today. She is teaching a series of lessons based on the movie, Freedom Writer. This is one of my favorite movies! It is the true story about Erin Gruell, who chose to teach at an inner city school that had a well deserved bad reputation. Of course, since I am a teacher, I find this type of movie inspiring. I recommend it for everyone!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trick or Treat

This year we will again be trick or treating with Angie Castle and her kids.
Mallory is dressing as a pink leopard like cat. I like to call her a cheetah girl but she prefers kittycat. She tied for 1st this year in the church harvest fest, with Nolan Anderson, who dressed as a rainbow singer. Mallory has gotten 1st for 4 years in a row now! Her reign continues...... You should know that they vote by applause and Mallory has a loud obnoxious mom :).
Jonah is an OSU buckeuye this year. He has a jersey, with shoulder pads, pants and a helmet. Too cute if I do say so myself! The helmet is just a little too big and falss over his eyes sometimes.
I think Seth is undecided. He might sit this one out since he is 12, almost 13. He does have a basketball head to wear if he becomes a child again in time for trick or treat!

Jonah says the cutest things

Let me preface this by telling you that when Jonah feels hunger, which is not very often, he says that his tummy is rumbly.
Ok, so we are in the Expedition, on St. Rt. 23, heading to Newmans-Cardington Rd. and home. I have my turn signal on in plenty of time but the very kind and thoughtful drivers coming up behind me refuse to get over in the right hand lane. It happens, right? So I am forced onto the rumble strips on the berm before I make my turn. If you have ever driven on rumble strips, you know they got there name for a good reason~ they rumble! After turning safely, Jonah calls out, from the back seat, "What was that!??" I explain that the noise came from rumble strips on the road. There is a lengthy pause (and I have almost forgotten his question) when Jonah asks, "Why is your car hungry?"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Our Little Austin

October 15 was the anniversary of the day I gave birth to Austin Royal Owings. He was stillborn, weighing in at around 1 1/2 pounds and 15 inches in length. I was 26 weeeks along with in the pregnancy and was so excited about him! Randy and I had experienced some secondary infertility and had tried for 23 months to get pregnant with Austin. So you can imagine our excitement when things were moving along. Sadly, Austin stopped moving over the weekend of the 12th and by the time I had a doctor due an ultrasound on Monday the 14th, he was gone. I delivered him the next day, surrounded by the love and support of my care group and church family. We let Mallory name him to help her cope. She had been so anxious to have the baby be born and I wanted to make sure she understood. We had a graveside service on Friday of that week. Steve Roper officiated and we gathered at my care group leaders' house, Gary and Joanie Warner, afterward.
On Austin's actual due date, January 18, my care group gathered again to put together a scrap book, including photos of Austin, song lyrics and poems, and cards from people. Every year on the anniversary this scrapbook comes out of hiding and the memories come flooding back. This scrapbook will always be a cherised item for me. It is full of love and support from many caring people.
I look forward to the day I get to meet Austin and hold him in my arms in Heaven! We miss you Austin!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Kid Nation

My kids, Seth and Mallory, are hooked on the new tv show, Kid Nation. It is a reality show where 40 kids have been placed in an abandoned old west town and are left to make something of it. There are the usual competitions and drama each week. Last night the discussions focused on religions and how they should be acknowledged. It was fascinating to see the kids try to sort this out. Finally one kid shouts, "This is how wars are started People!" Wow! The town council also gets to award a $20,000 gold star to a kid each week. It has been going to the person who has worked the hardest, but this week it went to the girl who brought peace between the religions.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The tooth fairy

Help! I think we have been busted by a clever 9 year old. Mallory lost a tooth and decided NOT TO TELL US! She then placed said tooth under her pillow as a test that we, or the tooth fairy, were about to fail. The next day she triumphantly announced that she caught us in a lie and she now knows the truth, there is no tooth fairy! ARRGGGHHH! Busted! If anyone knows a way to recover from that one, I'd like to here about it. :)